Monday, July 21, 2008

It's go time

The car is essentially done, the driver suits are packed, and everyone is eagerly anticipating the weekend. I'll be posting updates using Twitter, there's a box just to the right where you can see those, or if you're already a user you can follow along using the regular twitter interfaces.

The lineup is Josh, Daniel, Jordan, and Brian, although not necessarily in that order.

The weekend starts Friday, with a test day where each of us should get about 20 minutes on a less crowded track to get a look around. After that, we twiddle our thumbs until noon Saturday when the mayhem begins.

Finally, a few before pictures. If all goes well, I'll post pictures and an update Friday night after practice, but it's hard to know what to expect, connection-wise. These pictures are from the first build weekend when we took possession of the car.

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